Algeria restarts negociations on Su 32

The Algerian delegation that visited MAKS reportedly discussed the subject of the Sukhoi 32 bomber, which command was put to sleep for more than a year. Algeria had expressed the need to acquire at least one squadron of Su 32, which is the export version of the Su 34. This order was ment to prepare the withdrawal of Su 24 ...

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Egypt to order Buyan Class corvettes in 2017

This is suggested by Zelenodolsk’s Shpyard annual activity report, which manufactures this type of corvette. “Интерес к поставке кораблей проекта 21632 в различных модификациях проявили Инозаказчики 818, 795.” This could translate into interest in 21632 corvettes type expressed by clients 818 and 795 which are Egypt and Turkmenistan. The footnote further states that the interest relates to a modified version ...

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Urgent: Crash of a Gendarmerie helicopter near Nâama

We have little information at the moment but it seems that the crash of the A355 Ecureuil of the National Gendarmerie took place at the end of the day between Nâama and Mechria in the extreme west of Algeria. The pilot and the Co-pilot died and a passenger sustained heavy injures and was evacuated to the hospital. The home base ...

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UAE will build remote controlled Ka 226T helicopters

According to the annual financial report of the company Russian Helicopters, the United Arab Emirates will begin production under license of the Ka 226T helicopter in its unmanned version. The O.V.Uspenskogo research center has engaged in the development of a remotely controllable avionics suite for the transformation of the small Kamov transport helicopter. Named ESA-In, it will be able to emulate ...

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Mega tank deal for Egypt?

Nothing official yet but according to Altyn73, who is very active on Russian social networks and who is behind a number of exclusivities, it looks like Egypt is about to order between 400 and 500 T90MS tanks, Including a number of kits forf local assembly fromUralvagonzavod in Russia. The Egyptian army has more than 1,100 Abrams M1A1 tanks assembled locally and several hundreds ...

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Tunisian army adds stamina to its anti-terror forces with th Edjer Yalçin MRAP

The contract was signed a few months ago but according to photos pubihed by  Tunisiadefnews website, the first 4×4 armored vehicles Edjer Yalçin manufactured by Nurol Makina, entered service. The contract would cover 70 units equipped with teleoperated turrets. This MRAP can safely transport up to 11 soldiers and reach the speed of 120 Km / h. The Turkish industrial ...

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Will Libyan army restore the mighty Mig 25?

The video shared yesetrday shows the will of Libyan National Army to overhaul and restore some of the old Mig 25 interceptors stored in Al Juffrah Air Base. It seems that some ukrainien or russian technicians are already working on that. The real question is the use of the Mach 3 interceptor in the actual context in Libya, where the need ...

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Egypt to recieve Antey 2500 missile systems

Russia is starting deliveries for the air defence system Antey 2500, also known as S300 VM, to Egypt, as shown by a picture hred by Milinfolive on the russian ocial network VK. Egypt will be officially the fist export client for this advanced system that can intercept and destroy aircrafts and missiles (including balistic ones) in large radius area. Three ...

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