Home 5 Algeria 5 The new face of the russian helicopters industry

The new face of the russian helicopters industry

At the Army 2024 exhibition, we were given a guided tour of the Russian Helicopter stand. The Russian exhibitor showcased its latest developments in combat and maneuver helicopters. The two main Russian helicopter manufacturers, Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and JSC Kamov, were present with a series of highly significant helicopters that have been upgraded and modernized, notably through lessons learned during the war in Ukraine.

Kamov presented its Ka-52, a side-by-side two-seater combat helicopter, available in a ground attack version and a naval version. This heavy aircraft can deploy a full range of air-to-surface missiles, the most impressive being the oversized KH-35 missile, used by the naval Ka-52K version. It can also carry guided missiles such as the Vikhr and Khrizantema, as well as the famous LMUR, in addition to unguided rockets and bombs.

Mil, on the other hand, displayed a series of combat and maneuver helicopters. The focus was on crew survivability, drawing on Russia’s decades of experience in counter-terrorism operations and high-intensity conflicts. The helicopters feature both active and passive defense systems, while also extending their engagement range with next-generation missiles.

The Mi-171Sh Storm, a modernized version of the renowned Mi-8 Hip, is a maneuver and attack helicopter equipped with the Onboard Defense System (ODS). This complex system ensures both active and passive protection for the aircraft. The cockpit is shielded with titanium, aramid, and Kevlar plates, further reinforced with anti-missile systems and electronic countermeasures. The Mi-171Sh also features a MAWS President-S-171Sh alert system combined with infrared decoy launchers and a radar warning receiver (RWR), increasing its protection and survival chances in hostile environments.

The Mi-35M, a modernization of the Mi-24D, remains unique as a combat helicopter capable of transporting up to 8 soldiers. This version features next-generation combat systems, with a cockpit equipped with two large screens and an OPS-24N optical pod providing 360° coverage, enabling operations both day and night. The Mi-35M can deploy Ataka missiles and has a front-mounted 23 mm mobile cannon. To reduce the aircraft’s weight, the number of hardpoints was reduced from six to four, and the retractable landing gear was removed.

The star of the exhibition was the Mi-28NM, which appears outwardly similar to the Mi-28NE but without the nose radar, and features new-generation optical systems. This pure combat helicopter has proven its ability to survive in extreme combat conditions. The radar-guided Ataka missile was replaced with laser-guided Khrizantema and Vikhr missiles, along with Igla air-to-air missiles for self-defense and the brand-new LMUR missiles. The latter, thanks to a real-time data link, allows the Mi-28NM to engage targets up to 14,500 meters away, offering unrivaled combat capabilities.

The Mi-28NM is also equipped with a 30 mm mobile cannon and an OPS-28M Tor-M optical system for guiding the new-generation munitions, as well as the SMS-550 system. The N025 mast-mounted radar provides 360° detection, and the President-S defense system, with its infrared, laser, and UV sensors, ensures optimal protection against all types of threats.

Lastly, the modernization of helicopters like the Mi-28NE in Algeria will significantly enhance their offensive capabilities. With the integration of a C4 data link system, these aircraft will become even more autonomous and lethal, capable of destroying high-value targets such as command centers, bridges, and heavy air defense systems. They will also be able to manage combat drone systems in flight, currently under development.




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