Home 5 Military Industry 5 Tactical Missile Corporation showcases it’s combat proven missiles

Tactical Missile Corporation showcases it’s combat proven missiles

At the Army 2024 exhibition, the press was invited to the showroom of Tactical Missiles Corporation. Unlike the previous edition, which saw the unveiling of the brand-new RVV-MD2 air-to-air missile, no new ammunition was presented this year. The focus of the presentation was on munitions that have demonstrated their effectiveness on the battlefield.

Three types of air-to-air missiles were showcased: short, medium, and long-range. The emphasis was placed on two air-to-air missiles that proved their effectiveness in the war in Ukraine. The RVV-BD, a long-range missile, is the export version of the R-37M. This missile, deployed on Sukhoi platforms, including the Su-35, Su-57, and more recently the Su-30SM2, has caused significant damage, according to Ukrainian pilots who have had to confront this silent yet precise and devastating threat. The Russians are even said to have set a record with a MiG-29 hit at a range of 230 km by an R-37M launched from a Su-35. The kill ratio is reportedly exceptional, approaching “one shot, one kill,” making it one of the most dangerous missiles in Russia’s arsenal.

The RVV-SD, on the other hand, is the medium-range version, better known as the R-77-1, an improved version of the now obsolete RVV-AE, which is no longer effective against its Western counterparts. The RVV-SD is widely used by the Su-30SM and Su-35 in various combat modes, including multi-target engagements, as evidenced by videos showing Su-35s launching this type of missile against multiple targets simultaneously.

Next, the presentation turned to the Kh-58USHk, an improved version of the venerable Kh-58 heavy anti-radar missile. This new version has been specially designed for 5th generation aircraft. It features retractable fins for internal carriage within the Sukhoi Su-57’s bay. Made with composite materials, this variant boasts a low radar signature, an improved range of 240 km, and a 150 kg warhead, all at a speed of 4,200 km/h.

Following this, the presentation highlighted the Kh-35U, an upgraded version of the Kh-58 with a range of 260 km. This anti-ship munition can also be used as an air-to-surface cruise missile with very high precision. It has been notably seen in action during the war in Ukraine, destroying various targets, including surveillance radars and low-mobility missile launch platforms.

Attention was also given to the Kh-38 series, modular missiles capable of being equipped with different types of inertial or semi-active laser guidance. They replace the Kh-25 and Kh-29 missile series. These missiles can target both fixed and mobile targets with a maximum range of 40 km.

Another presentation was that of the Kh-69, a subsonic, satellite-guided precision missile specialized in destroying fixed targets. This stealth missile is a product of the Su-57 program. Its retractable wings were specifically designed to fit into the bay of the Russian 5th generation Felon, but it can also be launched by 4++ generation fighters such as the Su-30.

Improved versions of the Kh-31 in its PD variant and the Kh-59 in its MK2 variant, which have three times the range of their predecessors, were also presented.

This year, the emphasis was on the “combat proven” concept, referring to munitions that have proven their capabilities in this high-intensity war and have undergone continuous improvements over the past two years. All these missiles have shown a high success rate in the missions assigned to them on the Ukrainian battlefield, against the best defense and jamming equipment available to NATO. According to the designers themselves, these weapons are constantly being modernized. Each use and each month brings its new set of modifications based on the information gathered and threats encountered on the ground. This war has been an open-air laboratory for updating all the Soviet and Russian combat systems offered by Tactical Missile Corporation, a true boon for countries using Russian armament, like Algeria, allowing them to upgrade their entire arsenal, whether in air-to-air, air-to-surface, or air-to-ground domains.


By : SidAhmed FULCRUM



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