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Tag Archives: Algeria

Algerian-Russian military exercise in november 2022

The Algerian and Russian armies will hold a military anti-terrorism exercise in Algeria this November, says the press service of the Russian army’s southern military district.

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Algeria to receive its first C-130J

The Algerian Air Force is about to receive its first new generation C-130J transport aircraft, which left the Lockheed Martin factory in Greenville, South Carolina, today and made its first stop in Bangor, Maine.

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A new electronic warfare system for Algeria

This complex system, which made its appearance at the end of last year in the Algerian arsenal, promises to revitalise electronic warfare within the ANP.

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What we know about the incident with an Israeli submarine


A rather unprecedented story was shared yesterday on social media: an Israeli submarine was allegedly chased by the Algerian navy during the Radaa 2021 exercise which took place on 29 and 30 September.

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Algeria will organize a military parade on November 1st

The Algerian authorities have planned a large-scale military parade in the capital to commemorate the 67th anniversary of the start of the Algerian revolution on November 1.

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Boxer IFV in Algeria, a long saga comes true!

Boxer IFV Algérie

During the first week of August 2019 in an Algerian shipyard, a RORO ship arrives at the end of the day and unloads about thirty anonymous containers and two huge armored vehicles hidden under thick khaki tarpaulins. The transport convoy starts immediately after unloading, direction Constantine in the northeast of the country.

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Algerian Air Forces ordered Migs 29 M/M2 during MAKS airshow

The Algerian delegation, led by the Air Force Commander, which visiter MAKS air show that was held a few days ago in Moscow, inked two agreements with the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

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International terrorism: the troubling game of Morocco In North Africa

What relation between the purchase of six hundred Tow anti tank missiles by Morocco, the exemplary cooperation of the kingdom after the Paris attacks and the fact that it is also one of the largest providers of daech recruits? These elements taken one by one may seem innocuous or, in the case of missiles, the sovereign right of that country ...

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Boxer IFV Algérie


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