Home 5 Middle East 5 SD3 Exclusive: First pictures of Iraqi night Havocs

SD3 Exclusive: First pictures of Iraqi night Havocs

Even tough the information regarding the fact that Iraqi air forces ordered a batch of Mi28 NE from Russia are known and confirmed, since the firsts hints in october 2012. 
These two pictures, taken in the Rostov on Don plant, shows the paint scheme chosen by the client and gives an outlook on some equipments on the chopper.

So far 23 Mi 28 NE has been delivered to Baghdad, in two batches, 10 in september 2013 and 13 in january 2014. Iraq is expected to deploy up to 40 Russian heavy attack choppers, despite the US  pressure for acquiring a batch of AH 64 Apache.
Today Russia, Kenya and Iraq are the only Mi 28’s operators. India and Venezuela are regarded as serious futur operators. Algeria has ordered another version of the Mi 28, with  a dual training and attack role, and improved avionics and weaponery. This special configuration will allow algerian pilots to acquire combat power while training.




  1. Mais l’Irak Acheter mi 35 Et pas mi28!!!
    Irak a reçu aujourd’hui24-2-2014 mi35
    Pouvez vous nous expliquer?

  2. ils ont acheté les deux, ils commencent à recevoir les mi28 et leurs pilotes sont encore en formation en Russie. les photos me viennent de l’usine.

  3. 1-Iraq has not received any Mi28s yet
    2-Those Mi28 pictures are helicopters in primer (factory undercoat paint), there are no stenciling or anything else to indicate who those helicopters belong to.
    3- Since the pictures are clearly from last summer, they are probably from the Russian batch of Mi28N or the Mi28UB prototype before painting.
    4- Kenya does not have any Mi28s. It is an urban myth.

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