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Tag Archives: Syria

International terrorism: the troubling game of Morocco In North Africa

What relation between the purchase of six hundred Tow anti tank missiles by Morocco, the exemplary cooperation of the kingdom after the Paris attacks and the fact that it is also one of the largest providers of daech recruits? These elements taken one by one may seem innocuous or, in the case of missiles, the sovereign right of that country ...

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what are Putin’s options in a decanting middle east?

 In the World poutine chess The ambush against Russian aviation conducted by the Turkish Aviation and Turkmen forces are the visible part of the iceberg. Shaking the plum tree, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, allowed a major settlement between players in the “great game” of the Middle East. Paris attacks helped the various parties to the conflict in Syria and Iraq to ...

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Are the United States of America preparing for nuclear war in Syria?

Apart from the “classic” deployment of aircraft carriers, guided missile destroyers and cruise missile laden submarines, the USA have in this instance sent, in a preemptive fashion, equipment and systems never used in past conflicts, not even during the Gulf wars. Such systems are not offensive and are built to survive a nuclear holocaust; hence, their role is to insure ...

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