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Military Industry

Le jeu trouble d’intermédiaires dans les livraisons d’armes

L’utilisation d’entreprises turques pour alimenter l’armée ukrainienne en armes et munition semble se poursuivre, un business juteux pour ces intermédiaires.

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ASELSAN: Leading the Way in Advanced Naval Technologies

Dedicated to innovation and excellence, ASELSAN, a leading force in naval defense technologies, shows what latest technology can bring to maritime and naval defense industry at DIMDEX 2024 taking place from March 4 th – 6th at Doha, Qatar.

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Why should we pay attention to Ukrainian military-tech companies

For almost two years, Ukraine has been facing a high-intensity war with the world’s second-largest military power. It is essential for armies to learn the lessons of Ukrainian warfare, and to closely monitor the adaptation of Ukrainian equipment, doctrines and industry to these events.

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Gibka-S could be a potent solution against commercial drones

Russia’s war in Ukraine has demonstrated the effectiveness of commercial drones for tactical reconnaissance, artillery fire correction and even the dropping of explosive charges (grenades and even artillery shells).

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New stealth glass technology in Russia

The Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise “Technologiya”, part of Rosteс State Corporation, has improved the technology of manufacturing cockpit glazing for stealth aircraft. The solution improves the characteristics of aircraft cockpit glazing by 20%, including reducing the radar visibility of military aircraft.

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Drone warfare: Today’s war -2-

This is part two of our case studies of anti-drone warfare amongst armies and non-state actors.

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Drone warfare: Today’s war -1-

This article, in two parts, will discuss the different approaches taken by the militaries of countries that are, or have been, facing drone warfare in recent years.

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Ka-226T impresses Saudi Arabia

Russian Helicopters was present in force with six aircraft at the Dubai Air Show, and its CEO told the Tass agency that it was visited by numerous delegations.

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