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Military Industry

Checkmate: Sukhoi’s revolutionary bet

After breaking the rules by surprisingly displaying a mockup of an affordable stealth aircraft aimed at the export market during the Moscow MAKS exhibition, and after the controversy surrounding its absence from the exhibition organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense, Army 2021, Sukhoi is embracing its risk-taking and laying the groundwork for the new Checkmate project, which seems to ...

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First international demonstration for the MI-28NE in Dubaï

Mi-28NE attack helicopter manufactured by “Russian Helicopters” Holding Company (Rostec State Corporation) made its first demonstration flight as a part of the flight program at Dubai Airshow 2021 international exhibition. Guests and participants had the opportunity to enjoy complex aerobatics of the combat helicopter with the unique maneuverability.

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Checkmate will be shown at the Dubai Air Show

Rostec will show the Checkmate fighter abroad for the first time at Dubai Airshow-2021 Rostec will present a new Russian fifth-generation Checkmate aircraft at the Dubai Airshow-2021 international air show, which will be held from November 14 to 18 in the UAE.

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The Sprut Light Tank is dropped from a tower to test it for strength

September 14, 2021 News release The Sprut-SDM1 upgraded self-propelled anti-tank gun has been dropped from a special tower in order to test the vehicle for the ability to withstand overload during airborne insertion, Rostec told.

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Rosoboronexport increased its order portfolio in Sub-Saharan Africa by $1.7 billion

07 June 2021   The delegation of Rosoboronexport JSC (part of the Rostec State Corporation) will be attending the Shield Africa 2021 International Security and Defense Exhibition, which will be held from June 8 to 10 at the Police Academy in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

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Nebo-M radar is a menace to stealth aircraft – developer

Russia’s Nebo-M radars can detect advanced aircraft, including F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II of the United States, Almaz-Antey Director General Yan Novikov said[1].

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Russia demonstrates the live-fire drills of S-400 and Pantsir air defense systems to the representatives of 52 countries

  http://eng.mil.ru/en/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12358749@egNews   On April 28, about 80 representatives of the military and diplomatic corps from 52 countries of the CIS, Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, accredited in Russia, visited the Ashuluk training ground of the center for combat training and combat use of Aerospace Forces in the Astrakhan region, where foreign officers demonstrated the combat capabilities of the ...

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Russian Navy launches its fifth composite Alexandrit-class mine countermeasures ship

  The fifth Project 12700 Alexandrit mine countermeasures ship has been launched in St. Petersburg, Russian Ministry of Defense reports. The ship has the biggest in the world hull made of monolithic fiberglass formed by vacuum infusion.

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