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Military Industry

Russian troops will recieve the Okhotnik in 2024


The stealth armed Drone Okhotnik, will join the fifth generation combat aircraft Su-57 beggining 2024 according to official russian sources.

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High-tech targeting and aiming systems from Ukraine

At present, taking into account the high-tech nature of the latest wars and conflicts, global developers pay considerable attention to the development and production of targeting and guidance systems for the weapon systems. Within this trend, recently Ukraine has presented a line of new “thermal” targeting/guidance systems for guided missiles and an optical aiming station for various types of weapons.

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Ukrainian counter-battery warfare means

Given the active use of artillery fire by the enemy, modern armies of the world, in particular Ukraine, pay special attention to the development, manufacture and combat use of acoustic and radar reconnaissance means.

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In 2021, Peru plans to receive the first new military transport aircraft An-178 produced by the Ukrainian company “Antonov”

August 2020 Ukrainian State company “Antonov” presented the newest multirole transport aircraft An-178, which is to be delivered to Peru in 2021. The delivery is planned within the contract to produce an unspecified quantity of the newest Antonov An-178 military transport aircraft for the Interior Ministry of Peru.

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Ukraine is moving towards creating unmanned strike capabilities for air-to-ground missions

Ukraine, which already has a wide range of reconnaissance UAVs of its own production, is taking active steps to create its own strike capabilities for air-to-ground missions namely: Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs), new types of weapons – loitering ammunition (or kamikaze drones), as well as special ammunition for UAVs.

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The latest Ukrainian mobile radar systems for reconnaissance, surveillance and information collection “Tayra” and “Harza”

Ukrainian State Enterprise “Specialized Foreign Trade Firm “PROGRESS” (SE SFTF “PROGRESS”) promotes the latest mobile radar systems for reconnaissance, surveillance and information collection” Tayra “and” Harza “. The alternative designation of the systems is – mobile  Perimeter Security Surveillance Radar (PSSR).

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A new russian 3D radar for hypersonic target detection

JSC Rosoboronexport (part of Rostec State Corporation) has started marketing work to bring on the world market of armaments the 59N6-TE mobile three-dimensional radar, developed and produced by the JSC “Federal Research and Production Center “Nizhniy Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering” (NNIIRT).

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COVID-19 : Russia sends equipments to Algeria


The information was given by our colleagues from the Jeune Independent on April 27, Russia provided technical and medical aid to Algeria to fight the epidemic of COVID-19.

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