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Author Archives: Akramov

International terrorism: the troubling game of Morocco In North Africa

What relation between the purchase of six hundred Tow anti tank missiles by Morocco, the exemplary cooperation of the kingdom after the Paris attacks and the fact that it is also one of the largest providers of daech recruits? These elements taken one by one may seem innocuous or, in the case of missiles, the sovereign right of that country ...

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what are Putin’s options in a decanting middle east?

 In the World poutine chess The ambush against Russian aviation conducted by the Turkish Aviation and Turkmen forces are the visible part of the iceberg. Shaking the plum tree, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, allowed a major settlement between players in the “great game” of the Middle East. Paris attacks helped the various parties to the conflict in Syria and Iraq to ...

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Algeria might have begun deploying S 400 SAM systems

We announced more than two years ago, the desire of Algeria to acquire the long range S 400 air defense system from Russia. A contract for such system has been inked one year ago. Today we are able to provide you with the first pictures taken in Algeria of an operational regiment S 400. They were made during the the ...

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Terrorism in the Horn of Arica: What about Tanzania?

With the resurgence of Al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa in recent weeks after spectacular attacks in Mogadishu and Garissa in Kenya the easy question to ask is where is the next target. Here is a better question. Why hasn’t Tanzania come under these assaults as well? If the official history is to be believed the last major terrorist incident ...

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Was white phosphorus used by the tunisian army against Kassrine terroristes ?

The source is somehow biased and we don’t want to advocate terrorism, but it seems that the effective tracking of the terrorist brigade Okba Ibn Nafi (AQIM) by the Tunisian Army has pushed them to entrench in the Kassrine region in western Tunisia.   In a desperate publication, AQIM terrorists made an unprecedented revelation; the Tunisian Army had used white ...

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France to sell the two Russian Mistral Ships to Egypt

The series of good news for Egypt seems to continue. An announcement made today by Hervé Guillou, CEO of the French DCNS  group to a German magazine stated that Egypt is now negotiating with the approval of Russia, for the transfer of the contract of the two Mistral class landing ships, The Vladivostok and Sebastopol, to the Egyptian navy. The ...

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Tunisia: a US spy plane over mount Chaambi

It was by pure hazard that we have discovered on Flightradar24, the strange behavior of an unidentified aircraft in the Tunisian sky. A Beech 300 Super Kingair, registered N351DY belonging to an unfamiliar American private company, took off from the small airport of the tiny Italian Pantellaria island at 10 am today, then headed West to Tunisia, over Kasserine. What ...

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New Pictures of Iraqi Mi35

These two pics has been taken in a hangar belonging the Russian Helicopters plant in Rostov Na Dunu in Russia. The Iraqi flag can be seen clearly on these two pictures. The front picture shows the Flir (probably a Sagem) and the missile mounts togather with the S6 Rocket pod. The Blades seems metallic.In November 7 Iraq has recieved a ...

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