Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec demonstrates new armor-piercing shells at ARMY-2019

Rostec demonstrates new armor-piercing shells at ARMY-2019

June 25, 2019

Rostec’s Tecmash concern demonstrates new high penetration armor-piercing sabot tank shells at the International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2019.

These new 125 mm caliber shells — the Svinets-2 and the experimental Mango-M — are intended for firing at armored targets, such as tanks with enhanced reactive armor, self-propelled artillery units and fortifications. The ammunition can be used in smooth-bore D-81 tank guns (2А26, 2А46М).

“This new ammunition comes with over 20% higher penetration value. If a regular shot can penetrate an obstacle of 230 mm, Mango-M has a comparative penetration indicator of 280 mm and the Svinets-2 — 300 mm. Improved technical characteristics of ammunition ensure the destruction of practically the entire spectrum of armored targets of a potential enemy over a distance of more than 2 km”, said the Industrial Director of Rostec, Sergey Abramov.

The International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2019 is held on June 25-30 at the Patriot congress and exhibition center of the Russian armed forces located in Kubinka, near Moscow. Over 100 foreign delegations participate in the event.

“Mango-M is an export-oriented shell. One of its advantages is the full compatibility with the autoloader used in Т-72 and Т-90 tanks, which does not require introducing structural changes to the design. We consider this as potential key factor in the selection of this ammunition by our foreign partners, who are operating modern Russian-made tanks”, said the CEO of Tecmash Vladimir Lepin.




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