Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec completed testing accessories of aircraft systems for SSJ-100 and MC-21

Rostec completed testing accessories of aircraft systems for SSJ-100 and MC-21

January 14, 2018

Press release


In December 2018, Technodinamika holding company (part of Rostec State Corporation) completed the qualification testing of the fire protection system and oxygen system accessories that will be used in SSJ-100 and MS-21 aircraft.


Fire protection system accessories will be sent to Sukhoi Civil Aircraft for further certification testing within SSJ 100 aircraft in the spring of 2019. Technodinamika will also supply these accessories for the new Russian aircraft MC-21.


“We are targeting both domestic and international market. With this in mind, the accessories were tested for compliance with Russian (25 AP) and international standards (TSO). In future, this should facilitate getting EASA certification both for individual accessories and the whole aircraft,” commented Industrial Director of Aviation Cluster of Rostec Anatoly Serdyukov.


Tests showed that in some parameters the products exceed similar products made by foreign suppliers by 8-12%. This applies both to the mass properties and lifetime of the accessories.


In September 2018 Technodinamika won the tender for the supply of fire protection system accessories for the new Russian aircraft MC-21. The contract terms and delivery dates are now negotiated with Irkut Corporation.


“Technodinamika started to produce truly competitive accessories that can be installed on most modern aircraft. We have successfully classified all fire protection system and oxygen system accessories, as evidenced by qualification tests certificates issued by a certification authority,” said General Director of Technodinamika Igor Nasenkov.


Chinese partners are also interested in the fire protection system accessories developed by the company. In particular, the Chinese delegation involved in the program of Russian-Chinese wide-body long-range aircraft CR929 visited the factory.


Rostec continues implementing an ambitious aviation cluster development program in accordance with the approved Strategy of the corporation, the main objectives of which are development of civilian production, improvement of operating efficiency, and entering the world markets by 2025.



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