Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec upgrades A-50 early warning aircraft

Rostec upgrades A-50 early warning aircraft

December 26, 2018

Press release


The Vega Radio Engineering Corporation of the Ruselectronics holding company (part of Rostec) and the Beriev Aircraft Company have upgraded the A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft to the A-50U version.


Among other improvements enhancing the combat and aircraft performance characteristics of the plane, the companies have modernized radio technical complex Shmel. Owing to the use of the modern electronic component base and high-performance computing tools, the aircraft is now capable to track more targets and guide more fighters.


As compared to the previous model, the A-50U plane features an increased range of detection of various airborne vehicles, including fundamentally new aircraft. High performance of the radar has been achieved by implementing the end-to-end channel of digital radar data processing and upgrading the receiver and the transmitter.


“A-50U is heavily modified aircraft A-50. In addition to enhanced performance of the radio equipment, we have also significantly increased the comfort level for the crew,” said Director of Rostec’s Aviation Cluster Anatoly Serdyukov. “Upgrade of the current aircraft fleet is a top priority for Rostec. Today’s competences of the Corporation’s specialists enable us to create unique products and modernize the already existing aircraft models.”


Functional software features have been improved owing to installation of a new onboard computing system that is based on higher-speed and better-performing modern digital computing engines. The modernization has also embraced the display system at the operators’ workplaces.


Reliability and performance of the satellite communication equipment, including information exchange speed, volume and quality, have been considerably enhanced. The aircraft navigation system has also been improved; the flight range and the mission duration have increased.


The A-50U aircraft is intended to detect, track and identify air targets, large ground and sea targets, submit information thereon to the command posts of the armed forces’ automated control systems, guide fighters to air targets and front-line aircraft – to ground and sea targets.




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