The Issues that Turkey struggle with

The recent attack on the airport in Istanbul can be seen as evidence of just how frail security is in Turkey.  The problem is that most analysts will have a knee jerk reaction in stating what the root causes of the tensions that affect the country are. The initial reaction is to focus on the Southeastern Part of the Country. ...

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New Mercedez Benz vehicle for the algerian army

The level of cooperation between Daimler-Benz and Algeria is outstanding according to the marketing and Communication officers of the German auto giant. The design bureau for the manufacturer, encouraged by the Algerian specific vehicle needs, has recently put in motion, plans to produce two concept vehicles, one of which is a new version of a vehicle that is already been in use ...

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Fuch’s first maneuvers in Algeria

This is a first time for the armored new comer of the  Algerian land Forces, which had its baptism of fire today during maneuvers organized near the Libyan border, in the northeast district of the 4 th Military Region. The Rheinmetall Fuch 2,  which is assembled in Algeria since several months, was increasingly seen in recent days across the country within military  convoys, ...

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Preview of Upcoming Events?

        There is an issue in Africa when it comes to the Electoral Process. There are at this time a series of Elections taking place on the Continent. But there is an underlying problem that is raising its head in several Countries such as Congo-Brazzaville. That problem is a long serving President ruling a Country with a Majority of the ...

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Self-protection systems for tanks gone live in Syria

As part of analysis of the data from the field, from the war in Syria, to which we will devote a long record in the near future, we wanted to address a critical issue, The self-protection systems for vehicles in Syria. The war in Syria has been a disaster for the armored vehicles division of the Syrian Arab Army who ...

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Could ISIS be forming a New Cell in Central Africa?

by  Scott A Morgan Within the last couple of weeks there have been a couple of stories that have raised the interest of CT Analysts regarding the situation in Central Africa. In late January Rwandan Authorities acting on a tip raided a mosque in Kigali. The raid yielded some interesting news.[1] First the Deputy Imam was actually shot and killed ...

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New Issues regarding Terror in West Africa

Over the last two months AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb) or the Al-Moulatan Brigade has launched two high profile and successful attacks in Bamako and in Ouagadougou. These attacks targeted Western (UN and French) Interests and hotels in both cities. In both instances Western Forces[1][2]assisted in the recapture of the hotels.  It appears that the Islamists suspect that the outsiders ...

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An Attempt to Influence US CT Strategy in Africa?

  by Scott A Morgan In Mid-December the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced a broad coalition of Islamic Nations to combat terrorism. It has been announced that there will be a Joint Operations Center in Riyadh as well (1).There are several glaring hole such as the omission of Syria, Iraq and Afganistan. There were some surprises as well such as the reaction of ...

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