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Author Archives: Akramov

Boxer IFV in Algeria, a long saga comes true!

Boxer IFV Algérie

During the first week of August 2019 in an Algerian shipyard, a RORO ship arrives at the end of the day and unloads about thirty anonymous containers and two huge armored vehicles hidden under thick khaki tarpaulins. The transport convoy starts immediately after unloading, direction Constantine in the northeast of the country.

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Algerian Air Forces ordered Migs 29 M/M2 during MAKS airshow

The Algerian delegation, led by the Air Force Commander, which visiter MAKS air show that was held a few days ago in Moscow, inked two agreements with the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

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Egypt to invest 554 million dollars to maintain its american naval vessels

The United States (US) has approved Egypt’s request to provide Follow on Technical Support (FOTS) for its naval ships for $554million.

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Algeria: MoD creates a missile research and manufacturing center

It was created by a presidential decree published on July 11, the Establishment of technical systems development will be in charge of the development, design, and manufacture of missiles and weapons systems for the benefit of the Algerian army.

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Iraq receives a second batch of BMP-3 armored vehicles

The Iraqi army received this week its second batch of BMP-3 armor from Kurgan in Russia.

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Egypt buys an IL-76 cargo aircraft in XXL format

The Egyptian Air Force today presented the first photo of an Il-76 MF cargo plane with national colors.

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Two Ukrainian Il76 destroyed in an air strike in Libya

Two Il76s belonging to the Ukrainian air cargo company, Europe Air, were destroyed two days ago on the ground while on the tarmac at Al Juffrah airbase in Libya.

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Tatra to deliver 328 chassis to Jordan

This “Tatra Force 4×4” chassis, may hide the future MRAP Al Wahesh of the Jordanian army or one to be sent to one of the numerous allies.

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