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Author Archives: Akramov

Ansat to get Austrian medical modules

Paris / June 18, 2019 The Russian Helicopters Holding Company (part of Rostec State Corporation) and an Austrian company Air Ambulance Technology signed a cooperation agreement. The parties agreed on joint development and Russian certification of the medical module which may be installed on Ansat helicopters.

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Russian Helicopters to certify Mi-171A2 in Peru

Paris / June 18, 2019 Experts of the Russian Helicopters Holding Company and United Engine Corporation (part of Rostec State Corporation) held a business meeting with representatives of the General Directorate for Civil Aviation (DGCAP) of Peru. The sides agreed on the procedure for validation of Mi-171A2 helicopter and VK-2500PS-03 engine. Peruvian aviation authorities plan to complete the helicopter certification in 2019.

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Rostec presents modernized Ansat concept at Paris Air Show

June 17, 2019 News release Rostec showcases state-of-the-art civilian aircraft and engines at the international aerospace industry exhibition Paris Air Show 2019. Russian civilian helicopters are presented at the biennial exhibition for the first time in 30 years: multi-purpose Ansat helicopters by Russian Helicopters take part in a static exposition and the flight program forming part of the air show. ...

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Russian Helicopters demonstrates Ansat with a new satellite communication system at Paris Air Show 2019

Paris / June 17, 2019 Russian Helicopters Holding Company (part of Rostec State Corporation) presented the light multi-purpose Ansat helicopter equipped with the new Mku30 satellite communication system at the 53th International Paris Air Show 2019.

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Russian Helicopters to show Ansat for the first time in Europe at Paris Air Show 2019

Moscow / June 17, 2019 Russian Helicopters Holding Company (part of Rostec State Corporation) will present the multi-purpose Ansat helicopters for the first time in Europe at the 53th International Paris Air Show, held in the French capital during June 17-23. Ansat will be shown in both its medical and VIP transport variants.  

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Two Gowind corvette for the United Arab Emirates


The Emirati Navy has ordered two Gowind corvettes from Naval Group shipyards.

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Rostec is to supporting the Russia-Singapour Business Counsil to expend the RSTrade Platform

June 11, 2019 Press release   Novikombank and the Russia-Singapore Business Council signed a cooperation agreement during the XXIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2019). The agreement aims to provide banking services and other support for companies doing business with partners from the Southeast Asia.

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Rostec to create high-tech products for the railway industry

June 11, 2019 Press release   Rostec State Corporation, Russian Railways and VEB.RF (Vnesheconombank) signed a roadmap for import substitution of digital products used in the railway industry. The signing ceremony took place during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

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