Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec to purify water for China

Rostec to purify water for China

November 28, 2018

Press release


Shvabe holding company (part of Rostec State Corporation) presented a state-of-the-art water treatment system in China at the China International Import Expo. Representatives of Chinese companies were highly impressed by the new development and intend to test the system. They will send contaminated water samples to Russia to test the water treatment system.

The unit, which removes viruses, bacteria, and radioactive materials from water, has been designed by POLYUS Research Institute of M.F. Stelmakh Joint Stock Company (part of Rostec’s Shvabe holding company). The system is produced in 13 various versions capable of purifying 2 to 250 cubic meters of water per day, which can meet the needs of both individuals and industrial customers.

As part of the business program, representatives of the holding company held negotiations with representatives of Chinese businesses. They intend to test the system and will be sending water samples to Russia for treatment. Chinese companies will decide whether or not to purchase the system based on the test results.

“China accounts for 20% of the world population and a mere 7% of global fresh water reserves. Contamination of water sources is a pressing problem: for instance, water in 40% of water bodies in Beijing cannot even be used in agriculture and industry. Our development is universal: it can be used both in industrial enterprises and in private houses or multi-storey residential buildings. After several stages of treatment, the quality of the water becomes similar to that of rainwater or water from clean natural water bodies. Not only China, but also other countries, for instance, those in the Middle East, are very interested in Rostec’s development,” says Rostec’s Executive Director Oleg Yevtushenko.

The device purifies water in several stages. First of all, a filter removes various particles measuring up to 4-5 microns. Then, the water undergoes reverse osmosis through a thin-film composite membrane. The membrane is made of highly advanced, multifunctional materials. Only small water molecules penetrate this membrane. Various salts, hard particles, bacteria and viruses cannot pass through the membrane at all. At the final stage, the water undergoes carbon filtering and additional decontamination.

The advantages of the new development include the fact that the system does not require a pump station for water intake.



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