Home 5 Military Industry 5  Rostec to prolong life of engine components for MC-21 six-fold

 Rostec to prolong life of engine components for MC-21 six-fold

Moscow, October 9, 2018

Press release


United Engine Corporation (UEC) and the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys (VILS), both forming part of Rostec, will prolong the life of the PD-14 engine by using a new heat-resistant granulated alloy.


The new alloy has been used for making high pressure compressor discs and a turbine for the PD-14 engine created for the first Russian short and medium-haul MC-21 aircraft. According to current estimates, its implementation, along with other innovative technical solutions, will increase the life of these components of domestic engines for civil aviation from 5 to 30 thousand flight cycles.


“PD-14 is the result of the broad cooperation work of our enterprises. The innovative solutions applied in it, including new alloys, allowed to create a truly modern, powerful and highly resourced aviation engine. The first flight of the prototype MC-21 with PD-14 is scheduled for the second quarter of 2019. Deliveries of PD-14 for MC-21 will begin in 2021″, said Anatoliy Serdyukov, Industrial Director of Rostec’s Aviation Cluster.


In 2019 the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys (VILS) will conduct additional research in the interests of UEC, which will allow more extensive use of this technology for engines of civil aircraft. The research includes development of new alloys and products for a new generation of PD-35 engines based on these alloys.


Rostec is a Russian State Corporation established in 2007 with the purpose of facilitating the development, manufacture and export of high-tech industrial products for both civil and military purposes. It incorporates over 700 entities that currently form 11 holdings operating in the military-industrial complex and 4 holdings active in civilian industries, as well as over 80 directly supervised organizations. Rostec’s portfolio includes such well-known brands as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Kalashnikov Concern, Russian Helicopters, VSMPO-AVISMA, Uralvagonzavod, and others. Rostec companies are located in 60 regions of the Russian Federation and supply products to the markets of over 100 countries. In 2017, Rostec’s consolidated revenue reached RUR 1.589 trillion, its consolidated net profit was RUR 121 billion, and EBITDA was RUR 305 billion. According to Rostec’s Development Strategy, the mission of the Corporation is to ensure Russia’s technological advantage on highly competitive international markets. One of Rostec’s key goals is to implement a new technological way of living and to promote the digitalization of Russia’s economy.


JSC United Engine Corporation (part of Rostec) is an integrated structure specializing in the development, serial production and maintenance of engines for military and civil aviation, space programs and the navy, as well as oil and gas and energy industries. UEC’s priorities include implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of enterprises in the industry, introducing new technologies that meet international standards.


Press Service of Rostec State Corporation

Т: +7 (926) 911-28-36 | 24, Usacheva Str., Moscow | www.rostec.ru



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