Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec supplies India with ferrite components for satellite technology for the first time

Rostec supplies India with ferrite components for satellite technology for the first time

Moscow, October 23, 2018
Press release

The Ruselectronics holding company, which is part of Russian State Corporation Rostec, has supplied ferrite components to the Space Applications Centre of the Government of India. These materials will be used in super-high-frequency devices for space satellites.

Ferrite Domen Scientific Research Institute (part of the Ruselectronics holding) has delivered microwave ferrites for the space industry to the customer. They can be used under conditions of solar radiation and other interference to precisely control wave oscillations, switch energy flows from one direction to another, and partially or fully absorb the power flow. These characteristics mean that microwave ferrites can be used as components in space microwave equipment that is resistant to the effects of solar radiation – for example, in super-high-frequency receivers, transmitters, radiometers, and other devices.

“India is continuing to actively increase its pace of space exploration and is spending more than $1.2 billion per year in this field. The country is already ranked fifth among the space powers and intends to strengthen this position. The first supply of ferrites for Indian civilian satellites allows us to open a new area of cooperation and gain a foothold in this fast-growing market. Thanks to the expansion of cooperation with India, in 2018, we already expect to quadruple the share of exports of ferrite products compared to last year,” says Rostec’s Executive Director, Oleg Yevtushenko.


Ferrite Domen Scientific Research Institute manufactures around 40% of all ferrite products in Russia.

The Space Applications Centre of the Government of India produces civilian satellites, which are used for telephone communications, radio broadcasting and satellite Internet. In addition, the organization develops optical and microwave sensors for satellites, and software for signal and image processing. The Centre has made significant contributions to the scientific and planetary missions of the Department of Space of the Government of India.



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