Home 5 Middle East 5 Biden accepted the Emirati “Deal”
26 juli 2015, Ferryvlucht van Fort Worth AB Texas naar Eglin AB Florida. JSF F-35 met Registratie AN-1, tailnummer F001 Werd 24 juli 2015 door Lokheed Martin overgedragen aan Nederland. Om 11:07h Texaaanse tijd word de eerste JSF overgevlogen van Fort Worth AB naar Eglin AB. Foto: Eerste Nederlandse vlucht F-35 AN-1

Biden accepted the Emirati “Deal”

US President Joe Biden has confirmed the deal signed by the Trump administration with the United Arab Emirates for $ 23 billion.

The package includes: 50 F-35A fighters valued at $ 10.4 billion, 18 MQ-9B drones valued at $ 2.97 billion, and
various ammunition worth $ 10 billion.

After this order, the Emirates will be the second country in the region after Israel to have fifth generation fighters with stealth capabilities. This represents a strong rebalancing of power against Iran in the region. The Trump administration had announced its approval of the deal with Congress attributing it to the “Abraham Accord” signed in September 2020, offering some advantages to “Arab” countries in return for normalization with Israel



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