Home 5 Military Industry 5 Kalashnikov Concern created KYB-UAV — a new high-precision unmanned attack complex

Kalashnikov Concern created KYB-UAV — a new high-precision unmanned attack complex

February 17, 2019

Press Release



At the International Defence Ehxibition IDEX 2019 held in Abu Dabi, Kalashnikov Concern (part of Rostec) demonstrated its new intellectual weapons — the high-precision unmanned attack complex KYB-UAV.


Complexes equipped with drone carriers for guided munitions are currently one of the most promising areas in the unmanned airborne system development. KYB-UAV is designed for defeating remote ground targets. The unmanned aerial vehicle delivers special load to the manually set target coordinates or to the image from the guidance target load.


“This complex represents a step to completely new conduct of operations. We hold strong position in the forefront of countries manufacturing such weapons,” said Rostec’s CEO Sergey Chemezov. “The high-precision drone comes within 30 minutes at a speed of 130 km/h. The shell is delivered to the target by the complex regardless of terrain or whether the target is concealed or not, both at low and high attitudes It is extremely accurate and efficient weapon being very hard to combat by traditional air defence systems.”


The complex advantages include covert launch, high accuracy, noiselessness and ease of use. Its speed range is between 80 and 130 km/h, time in flight is 30 minutes, payload is 3 kg, and dimensions are 1210*950*165 mm. The unmanned attack complex has been successfully tested and is ready to application.


ZALA AERO is a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of unmanned airborne systems, unique target loads and other technical means to secure their application. Since January 2015, ZALA AERO is part of JSC Kalashnikov Concern.




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