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Author Archives: Akramov

Algeria will organize a military parade on November 1st

The Algerian authorities have planned a large-scale military parade in the capital to commemorate the 67th anniversary of the start of the Algerian revolution on November 1.

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Rosoboronexport increased its order portfolio in Sub-Saharan Africa by $1.7 billion

07 June 2021   The delegation of Rosoboronexport JSC (part of the Rostec State Corporation) will be attending the Shield Africa 2021 International Security and Defense Exhibition, which will be held from June 8 to 10 at the Police Academy in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

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Nebo-M radar is a menace to stealth aircraft – developer

Russia’s Nebo-M radars can detect advanced aircraft, including F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II of the United States, Almaz-Antey Director General Yan Novikov said[1].

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Russia demonstrates the live-fire drills of S-400 and Pantsir air defense systems to the representatives of 52 countries

  http://eng.mil.ru/en/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12358749@egNews   On April 28, about 80 representatives of the military and diplomatic corps from 52 countries of the CIS, Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, accredited in Russia, visited the Ashuluk training ground of the center for combat training and combat use of Aerospace Forces in the Astrakhan region, where foreign officers demonstrated the combat capabilities of the ...

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Russian Navy launches its fifth composite Alexandrit-class mine countermeasures ship

  The fifth Project 12700 Alexandrit mine countermeasures ship has been launched in St. Petersburg, Russian Ministry of Defense reports. The ship has the biggest in the world hull made of monolithic fiberglass formed by vacuum infusion.

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“Europe Urgently Needs a Geopolitical Purpose”

OPINION: Russia’s build-up of forces on its border with Ukraine is not only a challenge to Ukraine. It also marks the latest phase of a campaign of pressure on the EU. The weaknesses and contradictions of the EU’s response have emboldened Russia to pose a more severe test now. This is a dangerous moment for Europe and the transatlantic alliance.

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Bahreïn : first Super Cobras in the production line


The American aircraft manufacturer Bell has announced that it has started assembling the first AH-1Z (Cobra Zulu) combat helicopters for the benefit of the Bahrain Air Force.

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Biden accepted the Emirati “Deal”

US President Joe Biden has confirmed the deal signed by the Trump administration with the United Arab Emirates for $ 23 billion. The package includes: 50 F-35A fighters valued at $ 10.4 billion, 18 MQ-9B drones valued at $ 2.97 billion, and various ammunition worth $ 10 billion.

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