Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec launches production of a substitute for the Makarov pistol in 2019

Rostec launches production of a substitute for the Makarov pistol in 2019

Press release

January 18, 2019


The Central Scientific–Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH, a part of Rostec) has successfully completed testing of a new Udav pistol that should become a substitute for the Makarov pistol. Batch production of the new pistol will be launched in spring 2019.


In terms of deadly force, Udav will become one of the most powerful pistols in the world. The caliber of its cartridge is 9×21 mm. 9 mm is the bullet diameter and 21 mm is the shell length. The Udav bullet penetrates bulletproof vests made of two 1.4-millimeter titanium plates and 30 layers of 4 mm thick Kevlar or steel sheets from the distance of 100 meters.


“The pistol came up perfectly in a whole set of tests – e.g. at extreme temperatures from -70 to +50 degrees, as well as in high humidity conditions simulated in special thermal and low-pressure chambers. In particular, the tests simulated the conditions of dry desert, Arctic conditions, high humidity,” said Sergey Abramov, Industrial Director of the cluster for conventional weapons, ammunition and special chemistry in Rostec State Corporation.


The pistol will be produced at TSNIITOCHMASH. The enterprise has the required technical documentation and can provide the high quality of assembly.


“The pistol repeatedly showed its stability in simulated situations when bullets were stopped in a bore. They were pushed out with a next shot and the pistol continued working,” said Albert Bakov, General Director of TSNIITOCHMASH.


The new Udav pistol has been developed for the Ministry of Defense and Russian law enforcement agencies. It is going to replace the Makarov pistol (PM), which is now used by the Russian army and police. PM is the main hand weapon of army and law enforcement officers in some ex-Warsaw Pact countries and in China.


Rostec continues implementing an ambitious Weapons cluster development program in accordance with the approved Strategy, the main objectives of which are the revenue growth by an average of 17% in ruble equivalent by 2025, improvement of operational efficiency, and entering the world markets.



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