Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec expands medical technology cooperation with Turkey

Rostec expands medical technology cooperation with Turkey

Press Release

April 10, 2019


Shvabe Holding of Rostec State Corporation demonstrated an intensive care incubator at the international exhibition Expomed Eurasia 2019 in Istanbul. The device sparked the interest of representatives from the Turkish Ministry of Health.


Intensive care incubator IDN-03 is intended for nursing and treatment of infants, including those with critically low weight (from 500 g). The device provides controlled inflow of heat, required air humidity and oxygen concentration inside the infant compartment, and monitors the baby’s body weight.


Also as a part of the event, specialists from the E.S.Yalamov Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (UOMZ) of Shvabe Holding gave a talk about the features and functionalities of their neonatal equipment and organized a training of Turkish specialists for assembly, repair and maintenance of the IDN-03 incubators.


”In the first quarter of 2019 the incubators, as well as respiratory gas humidifiers, neonatal phototherapeutic irradiators and heaters presented in Expomed Eurasia, were sent for testing in Turkish hospitals. This will allow us to strengthen our partnership with the Turkish side”, pointed out Anatoly Sludnykh, CEO of UOMZ.


Today IDN-03 incubators are operated in several Russian medical institutions and they are also supplied to Bangladesh, Tunisia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries.


“For a long time Shvabe’s medical equipment has been helping to reduce infant mortality in Russia and abroad. In 2018, around 20 countries bought our neonatal equipment. We are planning to expand the geography and selection of our exports to the Middle East and other regions,” said Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec.


Rostec continues to carry out its comprehensive program of developing civilian health projects in accordance with the Strategy-2025 plan, which aims to reach an average 17% growth in revenue (in rubles) until 2025 as well as improve operational efficiency and reach new, quickly developing international markets.


International exhibition of medical, diagnostic, laboratory and hospital equipment Expomed Eurasia 2019 was held in Istanbul. The participant comprised of manufacturers and suppliers from Canada, Belgium, India, China, Germany and other countries.


Rostec Corporation is a Russian corporation that was established in 2007 to facilitate the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products designed for civilian and military applications. The Corporation comprises over 700 organizations that are currently part of eleven holding companies operating in the military-industrial complex and three holding companies working in civilian industry, as well as over 80 directly managed organizations. Rostec’s portfolio includes well-known brands such as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Concern Kalashnikov, Russian Helicopters, UralVagonZavod, etc. Rostec companies are located in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supply products to the markets of more than 100 countries. In 2017 the consolidated revenue of Rostec reached 1 trillion 589 billion rubles, while the consolidated net income and EBITDA amounted to 121 and 305 billion rubles respectively. In 2017 the average salary in the Corporation was 46,800 rubles. According to Rostec’s strategy, the main objective of the Corporation is to ensure that Russia has a technological advantage in highly competitive global markets. Rostec’s key objectives include the introduction of a new techno-economic paradigm and digitalization of Russian economy.




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