Egypt buys an IL-76 cargo aircraft in XXL format

The Egyptian Air Force today presented the first photo of an Il-76 MF cargo plane with national colors.

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Two Ukrainian Il76 destroyed in an air strike in Libya

Two Il76s belonging to the Ukrainian air cargo company, Europe Air, were destroyed two days ago on the ground while on the tarmac at Al Juffrah airbase in Libya.

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Tatra to deliver 328 chassis to Jordan

This “Tatra Force 4×4” chassis, may hide the future MRAP Al Wahesh of the Jordanian army or one to be sent to one of the numerous allies.

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Egypt will modernize its Chaparral AA Defense launchers

The Egyptian military will receive the help of ProjectXYZ Inc., a company specializing in obsolescence management and modernization of weapons systems, to modernize its M48A3 Chaparral anti-aircraft launchers.

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Roketsan Is Moving Up In the Top 100 Defence Industry Companies List

Each year, Defence News magazine publishes the “Defence News Top 100” list based on defence industry sales of the prior year.

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Egypt receives 930 US surplus MRAPS and orders 1,000 more

After receiving 930 MRAP armored transport vehicles from the US Army surplus, Egypt is about to order a thousand vehicles from the same source.

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Morocco seeks to obtain two surplus C-130s from the United States

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress was notified on 18 July by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DCSA) for a proposal to finance two surplus C-130Hs for the needs of the Moroccan Air Force. This donation of surplus devices is part of the Excess Defense Articles Program.

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Algeria and Belgium will exchange expertise on EOD

The Belgian Ministry of Defense has been given the green light by the Council of Ministers to exchange expertise with the Algerian army, in the field of mine clearance and the “demilitarization of ammunition” (destruction and neutralization of mines and ammunition ) (EOD).

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