Home 5 North Africa (page 5)

North Africa

Could ISIS be forming a New Cell in Central Africa?

by  Scott A Morgan Within the last couple of weeks there have been a couple of stories that have raised the interest of CT Analysts regarding the situation in Central Africa. In late January Rwandan Authorities acting on a tip raided a mosque in Kigali. The raid yielded some interesting news.[1] First the Deputy Imam was actually shot and killed ...

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New Issues regarding Terror in West Africa

Over the last two months AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb) or the Al-Moulatan Brigade has launched two high profile and successful attacks in Bamako and in Ouagadougou. These attacks targeted Western (UN and French) Interests and hotels in both cities. In both instances Western Forces[1][2]assisted in the recapture of the hotels.  It appears that the Islamists suspect that the outsiders ...

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An Attempt to Influence US CT Strategy in Africa?

  by Scott A Morgan In Mid-December the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced a broad coalition of Islamic Nations to combat terrorism. It has been announced that there will be a Joint Operations Center in Riyadh as well (1).There are several glaring hole such as the omission of Syria, Iraq and Afganistan. There were some surprises as well such as the reaction of ...

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International terrorism: the troubling game of Morocco In North Africa

What relation between the purchase of six hundred Tow anti tank missiles by Morocco, the exemplary cooperation of the kingdom after the Paris attacks and the fact that it is also one of the largest providers of daech recruits? These elements taken one by one may seem innocuous or, in the case of missiles, the sovereign right of that country ...

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Terrorism in the Horn of Arica: What about Tanzania?

With the resurgence of Al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa in recent weeks after spectacular attacks in Mogadishu and Garissa in Kenya the easy question to ask is where is the next target. Here is a better question. Why hasn’t Tanzania come under these assaults as well? If the official history is to be believed the last major terrorist incident ...

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Was white phosphorus used by the tunisian army against Kassrine terroristes ?

The source is somehow biased and we don’t want to advocate terrorism, but it seems that the effective tracking of the terrorist brigade Okba Ibn Nafi (AQIM) by the Tunisian Army has pushed them to entrench in the Kassrine region in western Tunisia.   In a desperate publication, AQIM terrorists made an unprecedented revelation; the Tunisian Army had used white ...

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View from Washington regarding Boko Haram: Is it a FTO?

By Scott Morgan                            Recently a Press Event was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. by CANAN (Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans.) There was a specific reason for the timing of this event. It is hoped that the United States will take similar action to what has recently been taken by Great Britain regarding the Terrorist Group Boko ...

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