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Middle East

Iraq receives a second batch of BMP-3 armored vehicles

The Iraqi army received this week its second batch of BMP-3 armor from Kurgan in Russia.

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Tatra to deliver 328 chassis to Jordan

This “Tatra Force 4×4” chassis, may hide the future MRAP Al Wahesh of the Jordanian army or one to be sent to one of the numerous allies.

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Two Gowind corvette for the United Arab Emirates


The Emirati Navy has ordered two Gowind corvettes from Naval Group shipyards.

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Otokar presents its novelties at Idef19 exhibition

The Turkish company Otokar, a subsidiary of the Koç group, presented its range of armored vehicles and concepts at the Idef 2019 show in Istanbul with several new features such as the special forces versions of its Ural 4×4 armored platform, its Akrep 2 concept and its medium tank Tulpar.

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OP-ED: Ordinary Fascism with Azerbaijani Variations

In the midst of the Cold War, in the most dramatic moments of mid-60s, thinking society of USSR was not only deeply touched, but was also given food for thought by the talented filmmaker Mikhail Romm’s documentary film called “Ordinary Fascism” which according to impartial experts is a genius film about fascism origin and development and, most importantly , the ...

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BMP 3 for Iraqi army

The Iraqi army has recently received a batch of about 10 BMP 3 armored vehicles, which have been concomitant with the delivery of T90S and SK tanks. Iraq received last week a first batch of 10 T90 S and SK on the 73 ordered. Our sources in Russia  confirmed the beginning of the order’s delivery,  of a batch of BMP ...

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What future for Kurdistan?

One of the areas of concern when it comes to the issue of Religious Liberty has to be Iraq. The series of events that was initiated by the 2003 invasion by the United States which led to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the Baathist power structure to the current Shia dominated Government has led Religious Minorities in fear for ...

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UAE will build remote controlled Ka 226T helicopters

According to the annual financial report of the company Russian Helicopters, the United Arab Emirates will begin production under license of the Ka 226T helicopter in its unmanned version. The O.V.Uspenskogo research center has engaged in the development of a remotely controllable avionics suite for the transformation of the small Kamov transport helicopter. Named ESA-In, it will be able to emulate ...

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