Accueil 5 Industrie Militaire 5 Video: Beretta reveals its new ARX 200 precision rifle

Video: Beretta reveals its new ARX 200 precision rifle

Beretta Defense Technologies, which had presented its new precision rifle during  DSEI 2015 in London, did it again at Eurosatory Paris, taking advantage of the launch of Steiner optic, specially designed for this weapon.

Designed to meet the specifications of the Italian army in the continuity of the ARX 160, it allows the user to shoot 7.62×51 mm ammunition with increased accuracy over long distances and with a full-auto mode.

This video of MENADEFENSE TV, you will let you know more about the rifle and about how easy to use it can be.


Product Code / SKU A3X1111112122

Caliber 7.62 x 51 mm NATO

Capacity Magazine 20

Barrel Length 16 in. (40.6 cm)

Finish Black Overall

Extended Length Stock: 37 in. (94 cm) Collapsed Stock: 34.41 in. (87.4 cm) Folded Stock: 28.75 in. (71.5 cm)

Overall Width 1.8 in. (4.5 cm)

Overall Height FPO Pink box Weight (Unloaded) 8.6 lbs (3.9 kg)

Operating System Gas-operated

Locking System Rotating bolt



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